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In this study, we aimed to clarify the mechanism of sinking death during the larval stage of Pacific Bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis by investigating the effects of swimming performance on sinking death, using a behavioral approach. Swimming performance was examined 3–9 days after hatching (DAH) under day and night light conditions in cuboid experimental tanks. Swimming behavior variables such as swimming speed and swimming angle were measured under both light conditions. Larvae in the daytime experiment and larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were distributed on the surface layer of the water column. In contrast, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were frequently observed swimming vertically or sinking to the bottom of the tank. Larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were always distributed beneath the surface until the next morning (survival rates were 100 %). However, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night swam upward repeatedly and later sank to the bottom of the tank (survival rates were 60 % and 38 % at 5 and 9 DAH, respectively). Larvae with uninflated swim bladders were not always able to maintain their swimming depth by swimming until the next morning. Additionally, their swimming speed and vertical swimming frequency (ratio) depended on the illumination and swim bladder conditions. Our findings show that larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were associated with a higher risk of sinking death. The swimming energy capacity of Pacific Bluefin tuna larvae, which indicates the total amount of the energy that enables individuals to swim throughout the night without feeding, was found to be linked to sinking death.  相似文献   
以“蓝丰”作为研究对象,将农业生态网技术应用于蓝莓生产中,调查并对比网内和网外的温度、湿度、风速、光强各项指标,同时研究其对蓝莓果实商品价值的影响。结果表明,农业生态网能够避免鸟害减少烂果,增产增收,提高果品经济价值。以期为农业生态网在农作物生产中的应用提供科学的参考。  相似文献   
【目的】了解早实核桃新品种‘农核1号’的光合特性,为该品种优质高效栽培提供参考。【方法】以早实核桃‘农核1号’为试材,采用Li 6400测定叶片净光合速率(P_n)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、气孔导度(G_s)、胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔限制值(L_s)及主要环境因子的日变化,分析各指标间的关系。【结果】‘农核1号’叶片P_n日变化呈单峰曲线,最高峰出现在9:00,峰值达15.67 μmol/(m^2·s)。11:00—19:00,P_n降低主要受非气孔限制因素的影响。一天当中P_n及其他光合参数在不同时段存在一定差异。相关分析结果表明,P_n与T_r在13:00—19:00呈极显著正相关;P_n与G_s在各时段均呈极显著正相关;P_n与C_i在7:00—9:00呈极显著负相关,在9:00—13:00呈不显著正相关,在13:00—19:00呈不显著负相关。光响应曲线分析结果表明,‘农核1号’叶片的LCP较低且LSP较高,分别为53.84和752.16 μmol/(m^2·s),说明‘农核1号’对弱光照较为敏感,适应性强。通径分析结果表明,7:00—9:00主要环境因子PAR对‘农核1号’叶片P_n的影响大于G_s,两者均表现正效应;9:00—13:00各指标按照对叶片P_n的影响由高到低排序依次为C_i、WUE、G_s,C_i表现负效应,G_s和WUE表现正效应;13:00—16:00主要光合参数G_s对叶片P_n的影响大于C_i,G_s表现正效应,C_i表现负效应;16:00—19:00主要光合参数WUE对叶片P_n的影响大于T_r,两者均表现正效应。【结论】在生产上引种和栽培‘农核1号’时,应注意扩大株行距,保持通风透光,从而提高光合产物的积累。  相似文献   
时文琪  吴新凤  郝景新  陈悦 《林产工业》2020,57(3):58-60,64
概述了板木家具实木化结构分类;介绍了板木家具通过材料以及结构形态设计表现实木质感的形式,从结构形态和材料两个维度,以及零部件实木化和结构组合实木化两个层面,探讨了提升板木家具实木质感的设计方法。阐述了该设计方法在板木桌类、椅类、床类、柜类家具设计中的具体应用。该设计方法可以减少优质木材资源的利用,有效增强板木家具的实木质感。  相似文献   
八蕊单室茱萸为云南省特有的极小种群野生植物和濒危物种。通过查阅相关文献并结合访问调查,确定八蕊单室茱萸可能分布的区域,开展种群资源调查。结果显示:八蕊单室茱萸目前仅在普洱市和西双版纳州有10个天然种群,其种群规模已低于最小可存活种群,属极小种群野生植物和濒危物种,亟需开展保护工作。生境破坏和生境片段化是导致八蕊单室茱单室茱萸濒危的人为因素。提出收集种质资源、营建和管护近地保护种群、建立迁地和回归种群等保育建议。  相似文献   
玉米单倍体育种技术加倍率低的问题是单倍体育种技术应用限制条件。本研究以雄穗低自然加倍材料DHL287为母本、雄穗高自然加倍材料吉Gjb335DH3为父本,构建单倍体雄穗高自然加倍群体。根据集群分离分析法(BSA,Bulked segregant analysis),结合SNP标记,使用滑动窗口分析3组BSA混池基因型数据,最终在1、3、4、5、7号染色体上筛选出23个与雄穗高自然加倍相关的QTL位点。其中,3组BSA混池结果都在1、3、4号染色体上定位到4个共有的显著QTL区段,说明4个QTL区段具有很强的重演性。同时,在5、7号染色体上分别定位到3个、2个与单倍体雄穗高自然加倍相关的QTL位点。  相似文献   
以甬优538、甬优9号为供试材料,研究了轻多效唑水育秧(T1)、重多效唑水育秧(T2)和轻多效唑旱育秧(T3)三种育秧方式对水稻超秧龄机插的影响。结果表明,与T1处理相比,T2、T3处理的苗高、生物量受到抑制,成秧率变高,漏秧率降低,基本苗数增加;机插后2个品种的抽穗期均推迟,甬优538 T2、T3处理的产量高于T1处理,甬优9号T2、T3处理的产量低于T1处理。  相似文献   
本试验利用禽用开放式呼吸测热装置进行能量代谢试验,通过间接测热法结合替代法测定不同类型玉米在产蛋期蛋鸡饲粮中的表观代谢能和净能。选用34周龄产蛋期海兰褐蛋鸡180只,随机分为6组,每组30只。试验选用1种玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮和5种待测饲粮。待测饲粮由5种待测玉米(3种2018年10月收获的正常玉米和2种2016年收获储存3年的陈化玉米),分别以50%比例替代基础饲粮构成。试验鸡在舍内笼养,预试期7 d,正试期27 d,其中正试期分为3期,每期9 d(适应3 d、呼吸测热3 d、绝食测热3 d)。每期试验中,从每组中选择4只试验鸡,称重后分别放入呼吸测热装置的12个代谢室(每个代谢室2只),每2个代谢室对应1种饲粮,测定气体交换和排泄物总量,呼吸测热的同时进行消化代谢试验。结果表明:与基础饲粮相比,5种玉米待测饲粮的表观代谢能显著提高(P<0.05),3种正常玉米待测饲粮的净能显著高于基础饲粮和2种陈化玉米待测饲粮(P<0.05);2种陈化玉米的表观代谢能和净能显著低于3种正常玉米(P<0.05)。本试验中,3种正常玉米的表观代谢能分别为16.19、15.85、16.17 MJ/kg,2种陈化玉米的表观代谢能分别为15.12和15.06 MJ/kg;3种正常玉米的净能分别为12.39、12.57、12.25 MJ/kg,2种陈化玉米的净能分别为11.29和12.05 MJ/kg。  相似文献   
High water consumption and inefficient irrigation management in the agriculture sector of the middle and lower reaches of the Amu Darya River Basin(ADRB)have significantly influenced the gradual shrinking of the Aral Sea and its ecosystem.In this study,we investigated the crop water consumption in the growing seasons and the irrigation water requirement for different crop types in the lower ADRB during 2004–2017.We applied the FAO Penman–Monteith method to estimate reference evapotranspiration(ET0)based on daily climatic data collected from four meteorological stations.Crop evapotranspiration(ETc)of specific crop types was calculated by the crop coefficient.Then,we analyzed the net irrigation requirement(NIR)based on the effective precipitation with crop water requirements.The results indicated that the lowest monthly ET0 values in the lower ADRB were found in December(18.2 mm)and January(16.0 mm),and the highest monthly ET0 values were found in June and July,with similar values of 211.6 mm.The annual ETc reached to 887.2,1002.1,and 492.0 mm for cotton,rice,and wheat,respectively.The average regional NIR ranged from 514.9 to 715.0 mm in the 10 Irrigation System Management Organizations(UISs)in the study area,while the total required irrigation volume for the whole region ranged from 4.2×109 to 11.6×109 m3 during 2004–2017.The percentages of NIR in SIW(surface irrigation water)ranged from 46.4%to 65.2%during the study period,with the exceptions of the drought years of 2008 and 2011,in which there was a significantly less runoff in the Amu Darya River.This study provides an overview for local water authorities to achieve optimal regional water allocation in the study area.  相似文献   
2011-2015年浙江省诸暨市对中早39进行了叠盘暗出苗机插育秧模式试验、示范和推广应用,经5年的试验、示范,明确了中早39叠盘暗出苗机插育秧模式的主要优点和增产机理,总结出了中早39叠盘暗出苗机插育秧技术的操作规程。  相似文献   
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